External students
External master students (i.e. master students of other programs of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, master students of other universities in Berlin or Brandenburg, or people not enrolled at a university in Berlin or Brandenburg at all) may acquire credits in the “Mind and Brain” Master's program only in the following way:
(1) Attendance of lectures and tutorials
Only the following two series of lectures and tutorials are open to master students of other programs:
- Lecture Basic Philosophical Concepts and Philosophy of Mind + tutorial: 5 ECTS
Requirements: Regular attendance of both parts of the course plus a test at the end of the semester
- Lecture Ethics and Neuroscience (intensive course in mid-February) + tutorial (in the following summer semester): 5 ECTS
Requirements: Regular attendance of both parts of the course plus an essay in the tutorial at the end of the summer semester
(2) Attendance of seminars
All seminars not flagged as “For Mind and Brain students only!” may be attended by master students from other programs.
- Module Focus Theme Mind and Brain: 10 ECTS
Requirements: Two seminars must be regularly attended and presentations made (or other course requirements fulfilled) and a 20-page paper must be written (1 page = 2,000 characters without spaces) for one of the two seminars. The two seminars do not have to be attended in the same semester.
Credits from the "Mind and Brain" program cannot be acquired in any other way!
Please note that attendance certificates or credits for other course requirements fulfilled will not be awarded, in particular credits/certificates for attendance of single seminars and/or shorter papers will not be awarded. Seminars in our program must be attended as part of a module, which means that two seminars related to a module must be attended.
Please be aware that you may not combine a lecture and a seminar in a module. The lectures mentioned above may only be attended jointly with the tutorial as a single module.
Master students of Humboldt-Universität have to register for the exams online in Agnes. Master students of other universities have to contact the "Mind and Brain" master registrar's office (Prüfungsbüro) to register: mb-admin@hu-berlin.de
The registration period is 4 weeks long and ends 1 week prior to the exam date / paper deadline.
NB: Bachelor students cannot acquire credits in the Master’s program “Mind and Brain”.
Visiting students and guest students
Students who are not enrolled at the Humboldt-Universität may attend the courses mentioned above as a visiting student (Nebenhörer). Those who are not enrolled at a university in Berlin or Brandenburg at all may also attend the courses mentioned above as guest auditors (Gasthörer).
Please note that guest auditors – not visiting students! – must transfer a fee of 30 EUR to the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for each course (see the registration form below for bank account details).
Visiting students or guest auditors will only be admitted if free spaces are available for a course. For this reason the lecturer’s agreement must be secured by the beginning of the course. The lecturer is to sign the registration as visiting student or guest auditor, after which this registration must also be officially approved by the coordinator of the master's program before finally being sent to the Humboldt-Universität student service (see the registration form below for address).
Registration form
You can downoad the form here (pdf 650 kb)
Further information
You can find further information about the guest auditor status at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin here.
Contact & Master’s program coordinator’s office address
Dr. Dirk Mende
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1
(North Wing, 2nd floor, Room 308)
10117 Berlin
Tel. 030 / 2093-89768