22 June 2021 , 13:00 - 14:00

European Funding for Bottom-up Research: The ERC and MSCA Actions

Zoom talk by the EU offices at HU, TU, FU and Charité

European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)

The EU offices at HU, TU, FU and Charité offer advice and practical support before, during, and after the application phase for European grant money. Prospective applicants, or anyone who considers applying at some point, is encouraged to contact the local EU office as early as possible – regardless of whether or not their project or idea is still only “half-baked”. It may, therefore, make sense for you to attend this talk even if you are planning to apply in 2-3 years.

What the EU offices will do for you:

-    Before the application phase: Information events, advice 1:1, newsletter
-    During application: Writing workshops, proposal check, budget calculation, interview training
-    In the implementation phase: Support for project administration

Date: Wednesday 23 June 2021
Time: 13:00-14:00 PM
Meeting-ID: 644 2942 9415
Password: 404697

European Funding for Bottom-up Research: The European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)

On Wednesday 23 June 2021 EU Officers from the four institutions of the Berlin University Alliance (Edda Nitschke, FU; Caroline Schleier, HU; Elke Gehweiler, TU; Mara Klein, Charité) will visit the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and introduce European funding opportunities for bottom-up research. The focus will be on the grants offered by the European Research Council (ERC) as well as on selected funding opportunities available through the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCAs).

With its three funding lines Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant and Advanced Grant the ERC funds innovative basic and pioneering research of single principal investigators and their teams (funding up to 2.5 Mio EUR for up to five years). The sole evaluation criterion is the scientific excellence of the project and of the PI. The ERC Synergy Grants address teams of 2-4 outstanding researchers who want to work together on a project at the interfaces between established disciplines that promise to make substantial scientific progress (funding up to 10 Mio EUR for up to six years).

The MSCAs fund bottom-up research and innovation projects. Transnational mobility is a basic principle of the MSCA, as well as the participation
of the non-academic sector. The MSCA Doctoral Networks provide funding to consortia of European institutions to support research-driven structured training of early career researchers. Postdoctoral researchers can apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship to receive funding for their own research project.

The presentation will include information on the requirements and guidelines for a successful application and will give an overview of the support services offered by the four institutions.