14 December 2017 , 18:30 - 20:00

Mind-Brain Lecture: Bertram Gawronski (Austin, Texas)

“What do implicit measures tell us? Evidence, myths and the media”

The dominant view in the public and scientific discourse about implicit bias has shifted remarkably in the last few years. Counter to earlier views that identified expressions of implicit bias in almost every instance of social discrimination, there has been growing skepticism about the construct—up to a point where it is dismissed by some as being entirely irrelevant for the psychological understanding of discriminatory behavior. In the current talk, I will argue that either view is based on a selective focus on particular findings that fails to consider the broader literature on attitudes and implicit measures. Toward this end, I will discuss what we know about implicit measures, in which sense earlier views went beyond the empirical evidence, which concerns about implicit measures are empirically valid, and which concerns are misguided by failing to consider broader theoretical, conceptual, and empirical issues. As a basis to move forward, I will present a more nuanced, empirically informed view on implict bias that emphasizes the role of person-by-situation interactions in the activation of mental contents and their impact on judgments and behavior. Although this view poses a challenge to early interpretations of implicit bias as a ubiquitous source of social discrimination, it also rejects the opposite conclusion that implicit bias is irrelevant for the psychological understanding of social discrimination. All are welcome!

Complete program

One-day workshop preparatory meeting (moodle PW: APEmodel)
Friday, 10 Nov 2017, 16.15-17.00
Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstr. 110, Room 449 (4th floor), 10115 Berlin ********** One-day workshop “Attitudes and the explicit-implicit dualism”
Friday, 15 Dec 2017, 10.00-17.00
Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Luisenstraße 56, Room 123 (ground floor), 10117 Berlin

Public lecture “What do implicit measures tell us? Evidence, myths and the media”
Friday, 15 Dec 2017, 18.30-20.00
Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Luisenstraße 56, Room 144 (ground floor), 10117 Berlin



Richard Wundrack



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Luisenstraße 56

Room 144 (ground floor)

10117 Berlin