06 October 2011 , 17:00 - 18:30

“My career, reviewed”: Andrea Kühn (Charité) and Katharina von Kriegstein (MPI Leipzig)

Not open to the public!

“My career: reviewed” is an informal event where doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows meet with faculty members, get to know them and their career paths and discuss the most pressing questions concerning scientific careers: How important is networking really? Should I have a plan B for my career? How do I establish a good work–life balance? The invited faculty members give a short presentation of their CVs and discuss with students and postdocs. You are  a student or postdoc affiliated with the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and would like to participate?
Please send an e-mail to Dr. Anne Löchte: anne.loechte@hu-berlin.de



Dr. Anne Löchte



Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1

Room 144

10117 Berlin