16 March 2011 , 18:30 - 20:00

Distinguished Lecture Series: Russell A. Poldrack (Austin)

“Towards a Semantic Infrastructure for Cognitive Neuroscience: The Cognitive Atlas Project”

Please note: For Mind and Brain doctoral students there will be a "Meet the Speaker" session with Professor Poldrack on 17 March, 16.30-17.30, before his talk. Location: Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1, LOUNGE (1st floor). We are drowning in results from neuroimaging studies, but starving for an understanding of how these results inform brain function.  In order to integrate across this wealth of research findings, I propose that we need a formal semantic infrastructure similar to those developed in other areas of bioscience such as genomics.  I will first describe a set of informatics tools that mine literature and neuroimaging databases to characterize the relation between neural and mental function. I will then describe the Cognitive Atlas project (www.cognitiveatlas.org), which aims to develop a knowledge base for mental structure. Finally, I will outline a proof of concept showing how such a database could be used to extract the latent structure of brain processes that underlie mental function. Russell A. Poldrack, Director, Imaging Research Center, Professor of Psychology and Neurobiology, University of Texas at Austin Zertifiziert durch Ärztekammer Berlin: VNR 2761102010091990003, 2 Punkte All are welcome!




Annette Winkelmann




Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1

FESTSAAL (2nd floor)

10117 Berlin