

(A) Finances - Rules & Regulations

When writing to, please use the following keywords for your e-mail subject line as only e-mails with a meaningful and suitable subject lines will be processed:

  • FUNDING + reason for expenditure [e.g., course, or other expenditure]

For communication in connection with costs for Travel, see also Travel.

For communication in connection with costs for Publications, see also Publications.

(B) Reimbursement form

Download reimbursement form (.doc, state: 31 May 2022)

(C) The RTG’s HU Project Number (PSP No)

PSP No: D.01104.00.511000

(D) Invoices to RTG by others & Payment of invoices by RTG

(1) Recipent of invoices (e.g., from open access publishers):

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of
Mind and Brain
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
, Germany

(2) To Do: Ask for the invoice to be sent on paper to the above address and/or as a PDF to:

(3) To Do: In order for the RTG management to be able to instruct an invoice for payment, the RTG management also needs you to provide the accompanying explanatory documentation for the transaction (compiled in one PDF called: Yourlastname_YYMMDD). Send your documentation file to:

Note: The speed of the financial transaction (which needs to be endorsed by the RTG Management, the clerk in the third-party funding dept. of HU, and by the central HU finance dept.) is directly dependent on the completeness and comprehensibility of your documentation.

(E) HU VAT No / Umsatzsteuernummer HU Berlin

DE 137176824


This page last updated on: 04 August 2023