The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has revised its funding programmes for doctoral students. Since the middle of May, it has been offering a flexible programme to support stays abroad during the doctorate.
Doctoral students can choose between a funding period of one to twelve months. In addition, they have the option of splitting the scholarship into several shorter stays and distributing it among different host countries. For example, a research stay of six months at one location and two further short stays at another can be funded during the doctorate.
The application and processing deadlines for the fellowship have been standardized worldwide and in some cases shortened. Due to the corona pandemic, the first application deadline for the new programme has been set for the end of August 2020 (earliest scholarship start January 2021). If a planned stay abroad is not possible due to Corona, applicants who have already been selected can postpone the start of their scholarship by up to six months. From 2021 onwards, it should be possible to apply at three dates per year.
Applications are open to doctoral students who are pursuing a doctoral degree at a German university.
The new research scholarship programme and other current announcements are available in the DAAD scholarship database: