Review of Doctoral Project Applications and Scholarships in progress

Mind and Brain Doctoral Program

Deadline was: 15 January 2009

The application deadline for funded three-year doctoral program in transdisciplinary mind and brain research was 15 January 2009 - see Application and <link fileadmin downloads ausschreibungen mb_plakat_a4.pdf download den>Application Flyer (pdf 146 kb) for further details.

Generally, you have two options:

=> (1) Send in an application by 15 January of each year with your own research project. Projects must relate to one of the following research fields:

Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Conscious and unconscious perception
Philosophy of mind

=> (2) Send in an application by 15 January of each year for one of the research topics offered by our Faculty.

=> (3) If you have secured public funding already (e.g., scholarships or research posts), send in an application with your own research project. Funded applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis throughout the year. The deadlines for those applications are 15 May and 15 September of each year, to be reviewed in June and October.