Call for Applications

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Deadline: 15 January 2010

The online application tool is available now! (This link connects you to the central application tool of Humboldt Graduate School.)

See also the information given on our Application pages.


Three-year doctoral program with scholarships

The Berlin School of Mind and Brain invites applications for its transdisciplinary three-year doctoral program.

Application poster

Main research topics within the School are ‘conscious and unconscious perception’, ‘decision-making’ and ‘language’, ‘brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny’, ‘mental disorders and brain dysfunction’, philosophy (esp. philosophy of mind & ethics), and molecular and cellular neuroscience.

Students will be supervised by two professors, one from the ‘mind sciences’ and one from the ‘brain sciences’.

Applicants should have a Master’s degree or Diplom in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, medicine, computer science, biology, law, or economics – or another field relevant to mind/brain research.

The application deadline is 15 January 2010.

Students wishing to apply will have to present a five-page research proposal.

Successful applicants can apply for a scholarship for one year with a possible extension for the second and third year.

If you have further questions, please contact Patrick Wilken on: