- Berlin Brain Days 2010 (link to BBD webpage)
- Abstract Booklet (download here, pdf 1 mb)
- Berlin Brain Days 2010 Poster (screen version, pdf 228 kb)
Award Winners 2010
Best Talk
1st prize: Jens Baron (Learning and Memory), Go1 protein subunit alpha as an important regulator of the dopaminergic system crucial for survival
2nd prize: Soyoung Q Park (Mind and Brain), Neurobiology of value integration: When value impacts valuation
3rd prize: Anna Maslarova (Medical Neurosciences), How does the M-type potassium channel affect excitability in the epileptic entorhinal cortex?
Best Poster
1st prize: Katja Blazej (Medical Neurosciences), Characterization of the LysM-CrexIKKsfl/fl mouse
2nd prize: Sabrina Lee (Medical Neurosciences), Impact of apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC) protein delivery on stroke outcome
3rd prize: Jorge Jaramillo (Computational Neuroscience), A model for inheritance of hippocampal phase precession: From CA3 to CA1