Dynamics of joint-action 

Dynamics of joint-action and social behavior: Theory, modeling and research

a one-day workshop with Michael Richardson (University of Cincinnati, USA), organized by Anna Kuhlen

Monday, 5 August 2013, 09.00–16.00
Venue: Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, HU Campus Nord, Philippstraße 13, House 2, Computerpool


As an introduction to the dynamical systems approach to joint action, interpersonal coordination, and social and multi-agent activity, this workshop will cover the following: (i) fundamental concepts and implications of dynamical and complex systems theory for understanding joint action and social coordination; (ii) approaches to modeling joint action and multi-agent behavior as a dynamical system; and (iii) various methods of linear and nonlinear time-series analysis for uncovering the dynamics of joint action and interpersonal coordination (including relative phase, spectral analysis, phase space reconstruction, recurrence and cross-recurrence analysis, fractal and multi-fractal analysis). Each participant will gain practical experience by analyzing real-world data using MATLAB and will leave the workshop with numerous MATLAB software examples and turn-key analysis packages. Opportunities for participants to discuss and analyze their own data will also be provided.

This page last updated on: 15 December 2015