
Funding / Your affiliation in publications

Possible funding for HU members

In January 2018, the open access publication fund was established by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with support from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Publication fees for journal articles (article processing charges, APCs) can be covered through the fund. Only articles published by members of Humboldt-Universität and in open access journals that meet the conditions stipulated by the DFG qualify for funding. The publication fund is administered by the University Library.

Read more:

If you are not a member of HU, please find out whether your university offers the same support for publications.

Your affiliation in publications

The rule is that if you are a full doctoral or postdoctoral member of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (M&B) or sit in our offices in Luisenstraße 56 as a research group member or use Humboldt-Universität-/M&B-managed facilities and services, you must mention Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain as one of your affiliations.

This applies also to doctoral candidates matriculated or employed at FU Berlin, TU Berlin, Charité, Max Planck institutes, etc.
As a general rule: Please do not invent institutional translations! “Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” is always “Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” (there is no accepted English version!), whereas the faculties and institutes at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin have official English translations.

So this is what you should list as your affiliation as far as M&B is concerned:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, 10099 Berlin, Germany


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Philosophy, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, 10099 Berlin, Germany

Please note that with regards to previous communications, in 2020 the order was changed and the faculty was added (optional). This was done in accordance with a new policy agreement (download below, in German and English), dated September 2020, which gives a lot of examples.

Policy on institutional affiliation in research publications (download pdf 2.5 MB) (Affiliation guideline of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Remember: You will also have a number of other affiliations to mention. Please discuss this with your supervisors!

DAAD-funded doctoral candidates (and doctoral candidates funded by other external funding agencies) may have to mention their funding source - please check your DAAD papers or ask your contact persons in the funding agencies.


This page last updated on: 20 April 2023